Geological museum

Geological museum was opened in 1947 and it was the beginning of systematization of stone material, which is stored in it since 1939. The museum is housed in a purpose-built premises with a showroom of 320 square meters and four operating rooms – shlifoteks, photo library, a room of monographic collections in paleontology and paleobotany room and history of the study of geology in Tajikistan. The museum displays 4,540 specimens. The museum has three divisions: Systematic – a collection of the Special Science Geology – Mineralogy, Crystallography, paleontology, paleobotany, a collection of elements in the periodic table, geological map. Department of ” Minerals ” – the main department in which displays all of the genetic types of deposits and occurrences in Tajikistan. Department “Regional Geology ” – reflects the geological structure of Tajikistan’s regions. The museum is housed in the Pamir expedition at Dushanbe, street Bekhzod 13/83.