Cooperation of the Main Department of geology with countries from all over the world
Achievements in international relations
- Member of Economic Cooperation Organization Secretariat (ECO) from 2007
- Member of International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) from 2008
- Member of International Budapest Hungary Mineralogical Association (IMA)
- Member of project «Cooperation between Central Asian Countries and GTK for the supply of geo-information»
Cooperation with other countries of the world is one of the priorities set out in the strategy of the General Department of Geology.
As a result of such cooperation, Tajikistan has become the 120th member of World Geological Congress and is one of active countries in this prestigious organization. The General Department of Geology is currently working with the Geological Services of Russia, Iran, China, Finland and Germany.

Signed memorandum, agreements and contracts on:
- “Mutual understanding with Federal Agencies of Russian Federation on mineral resource application on cooperation in geological prospecting for mineral resources”
- “Mutual understanding with Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine”
- “Agreement with the Ministry of Industry and Minerals of Islamic Republic of Iran on establishment of national information centers of geology, geomathics and informational technology under the Head Department of Geology under the Government of Republic of Tajikistan”
- «Digital well log Data marketing Agreement between TGS Geological Products and Services»
- «Memorandum of understanding on geosciences cooperation between the China Geological Survey Ministry of Land and resources the people’s Republic of China»
- “Contract of strategic cooperation on development and implementation of natural risk reduction activities with FOCUS Humanitarian Assistance”